Other Tort – Minor

MVLS received this referral from the Legal Aid Bureau’s Child Advocacy Unit. Child/client who is currently in foster care, was involved in an altercation in 2010 with her prior foster care parent. Client was 14 at the time. Client states that she is being sued for damages done to foster parent’s hand. Client states that she and another foster care child was residing at foster parents home had a physical fight. Other girl in fight was 18 at the time. Child took a knife from the kitchen when foster parent grabbed the knife by the blade trying to force it out of client’s hand, which resulted in injuries. There is a long list of defendants in this case (7). Settlement conference: 7/31/15 at 8:30 am and Civil Jury Trial 8/10/15 at 9:30 am. LAB Staff Attorney, Child Advocacy Unit states that she would be willing to provide additional background information to the MVLS volunteer attorney and will also coordinate the initial client/attorney meeting. If interested in assisting client, MVLS case #15-0108865, contact Michelle Swift at Michelle@mvlslaw.org or 443-451-4068.
