Sharon E. Goldsmith
Sharon E. Goldsmith
Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland
Executive Director
Sharon E. Goldsmith is the founding director of the Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland, Inc., the statewide pro bono support center and coordinator of volunteer legal services. Since its inception in 1990, the Center has recruited, trained and referred thousands of volunteer lawyers to legal services programs throughout Maryland and incubated several successful pro bono projects throughout the state. A graduate of the National Law Center of George Washington University, Ms. Goldsmith spent two years as a civil litigator before taking the helm at PBRC. Ms. Goldsmith co-founded a community-based pro bono legal services clinic in Baltimore City, presents at numerous ABA/NLADA Equal Justice Conferences and state pro bono conferences, serves as the President of the National Association of Pro Bono Professionals (NAPBPro), and is a member of the Maryland Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Services. She is the recipient of the Daily Record’s Leadership in Law Award, the Daily Record’s Top 100 Women Award, the Women’s Law Center’s Access to Justice Award, the Legal Aid Bureau’s Champion of Justice Award and the MLSC Ben Cardin Distinguished Service Award.