Remembering Herbert S. Garten

The Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland (PBRC) is deeply saddened at the recent passing of Herbert S. Garten, Esq. The Garten family has continued to honor his dedication to pro bono service and justice by suggesting that financial contributions in Herb's memory be made to PBRC in the hope that others will draw inspiration from his service and example.
Herb Garten is considered by many as the “father of pro bono” in Maryland. It was through his vision and leadership as President of the MSBA that the Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland (PBRC) was founded in 1990. Herb’s compassion for Maryland’s indigent and his lifelong dedication to the application of equal access to justice for all propelled PBRC to become the state’s clearinghouse for volunteer civil legal services, assisting thousands of people in need each year. PBRC is eternally grateful to him for his instrumental role in establishing the non-profit and closing the justice gap. Mr. Garten’s guidance, wisdom, tenacity for doing right and dedication to doing good served as the standard against which we measure ourselves.
To make a financial contribution to PBRC in Herb's honor, please visit
"The mark of someone who is a paragon of their profession and true leader is not the hours they put in at the firm, nor the multitude of plaques displayed on the office wall – but rather a willingness to remain personable – and the kindness to remember the personal. Herb made you understand that what you did mattered but who you were…mattered more. I will miss the news clippings he would send me on issues related to PBRC’s work and the notes he would send just to let me know he was thinking of me. Sometimes they inspired, sometimes just engendered a smile – but always made me realize that Herb was there. He was that rare hybrid of gentle avuncular mentor, fierce litigator for causes he knew to be just, and unstoppable leader with the vision to imagine a better world. When he took the mantle to establish PBRC as a statewide coordinator of pro bono legal service he took it as seriously as any other case he would pursue. Greatness is not determined by the limelight but distinguished by one’s legacy. In that, Herb was great in his days and we all will benefit from his legacy.
As a dear friend and founder of the non-profit I have had the honor of leading for 35 years, I am deeply indebted to him. He will be sorely missed but I feel fortunate to have had him in my life and privileged to continue some part of his legacy."
-- Sharon E. Goldsmith, Executive Director of the Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland