Custody, Guardianship & Obtaining a Predicate Order for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: Mock Hearing Edition

Nearly all immigrant children who appear in immigration court without legal representation are deported. You can make a difference by volunteering to represent a child who suffered abuse, abandonment, or neglect by one of their parents and is eligible for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (“SIJS”). Register today and commit to preventing deportations. This training will prepare volunteers to represent caregivers before the MD Circuit Court – the first important part of obtaining SIJS.

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2024 Veterans Legal Assistance Conference & Training

Designed for lawyers, law students, veterans, policymakers and other service professionals, this annual conference provides a forum for discussion of critical legal issues facing our veterans. This FREE conference will include a training for lawyers interested in representing veterans in claims for service-connected disability benefits, as well as training for non-attorney veterans interested in serving as mentors for the Baltimore City Veterans Treatment Docket. Other sessions will include panels with updates on state benefits, issues for incarcerated veterans, federal legislation, veteran-focused estate planning, and more!

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Volunteering In Rent Court: The Basics Of Landlord/Tenant Law In Maryland

In this training, lawyers will learn how to represent tenants in rent court, gaining the skills necessary to help promote housing justice and ensure that clients receive their legally-mandated right to counsel in eviction-related cases in Maryland. This training will offer the basics of landlord/tenant law related to evictions and lawsuits related to the threats to life, health or safety within a home. Attendees will benefit from Q & A with experienced attorneys and the opportunity to strategize about practical solutions for individual case studies.

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Advising and Forming New Nonprofits & Community Organizations in Maryland

This training is designed for lawyers, law students, and recent law school grads, with little or no experience, to learn the process of incorporating and advising MD nonprofits, applying for 501(c)(3) tax exemption, maintaining compliance, and other nonprofit matters. The training includes materials and instruction on how to work with small, volunteer-run nonprofit clients, drafting and advising on bylaws and conflict of interest policies for small nonprofits, incorporation as a nonstock corporation, applying for recognition of 501(c)(3) tax exempt status and updates to the IRS Form 1023 and 1023-EZ, zoning, and advising nonprofits on ongoing legal compliance.

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2023 Veterans Legal Assistance Conference & Training

Designed for lawyers, law students, veterans, policymakers and other service professionals, this annual conference provides a forum for discussion of critical legal issues facing our veterans. This FREE conference will include a training for lawyers interested in representing veterans in claims for service-connected disability benefits, as well as training for non-attorney veterans interested in serving as mentors for the Baltimore City Veterans Treatment Docket. Other sessions will review the PACT Act, Camp Lejune claims, and presumptive claims.

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Criminal Record Expungement in Maryland: A Comprehensive Overview

This training covers Maryland criminal record expungement law, working with low-income and homeless clients, expungement filing and Court process, considerations due to the new Maryland cannabis laws, and expungement mistakes and how to avoid them. Participating lawyers must be barred in Maryland and agree to accept 3 client matters from an MLSC-grantee expungement provider within 1 year of registering.

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2023 Partners for Justice Conference

Five stylized people holding hands, with the words "Partners for Justice"

The Partners for Justice Conference takes place annually, and presents a unique opportunity for legal services program staff, the public and private bar, members of the judiciary, human services agencies, elected officials, and others to discuss critical issues facing the poor and underrepresented across the mid-Atlantic region and how we can improve access to justice.

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Volunteering in Rent Court: Baltimore City and Baltimore County

Lawyers will learn how to represent tenants in rent court in both Baltimore City and Baltimore County, gaining the skills necessary to help stem the tide of evictions that is becoming an epidemic due in part to COVID-19 and the recent removal of tenant protections. With this training, lawyers will be qualified to participate in TVLD clinics, representing tenants in Failure to Pay Rent Actions, advising them about available defenses and helping to ensure that they stay housed.

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2022 Partners for Justice Conference

Five stylized people holding hands, with the words "Partners for Justice"

The Partners for Justice Conference takes place annually, and presents a unique opportunity for legal services program staff, the public and private bar, members of the judiciary, human services agencies, elected officials, and others to discuss critical issues facing the poor and underrepresented across the mid-Atlantic region and how we can improve access to justice.

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