Impact on Mental Health in Seeking
Veterans Legal Services

A Partners for Justice Webinar

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Recorded on:

September 2, 2020
via Zoom Webinar

This panel discusses the intersection of mental health and legal services. It identifies the issues that affect many of the less fortunate and underserved in our society, especially the ones experiencing homelessness, as well as military veterans and their families, that causes mental health conditions. It focuses on various mental health conditions including PTSD due to combat or military sexual trauma, traumatic brain injury, and co-occurring substance abuse. The panel discusses available resources and the role of problem solving courts, such as Veterans Treatment courts, in connecting individuals suffering from mental health conditions to legal services.


  • Judge Louis Becker, Retired, Howard County Circuit Court


  • Judge Melvin Jews,   Dorchester County, Maryland District Veterans Court 
  • Mike May, Baltimore City Veterans' Treatment Court
  • Swapna Yeluri, Homeless Persons Representation Project


Questions? Contact Kiah Pierre at
