
As the pro bono support and resource center for the state, PBRC publishes a number of legal resource guides for the public, including the Guide to Legal Services in Maryland and county directories listing legal services providers.

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Other Helpful Resources:

National Association of Pro Bono Professionals (NAPBPro)

NAPBPro serves as a resource and advocate for pro bono professionals across the United States.  Throughout the year it offers various professional development opportunities.

ABA Standards for Programs Providing Civil Pro Bono Legal Services to Persons of Limited Means

Adopted in 2013, the ABA Standards provide guidance on elements necessary to effective pro bono programs such as building strong relationships with volunteers, measuring outcomes, and meeting clients’ needs.

Practising Law Institute (PLI)

PLI provides numerous training courses throughout the year for pro bono practitioners and, under its Pro Bono Privileged Membership, free access to PLI programs.
