Home Preservation

PBRC’s Home Preservation Project (HPP) recruits and trains pro bono attorneys to provide legal representation to low-income homeowners. The goal of the Home Preservation Project is to keep people in their homes. We believe that by providing the tools and supports that we offer, we are able to help long-time members of communities age in place, preserve intergenerational wealth (which, for our clients, is generally equity in the home), provide security for families, and protect the rights of homeowners.
- Estate Planning Services: Estate planning sounds like something that would only be important to people of means, but this isn’t the case. At our clinics, “Estate planning” means that we draft for our clients a will, an advance medical directive, and a financial power of attorney. Particularly with respect to clients who are homeowners, this is an important way that families can preserve their accumulated wealth, which is often the equity in the home. Writing a will fosters community stability through the efficient transfer of property. Executing a financial power of attorney ensures that the client has a trusted person who will be able to access his or her funds to be able to keep up with things like bills, the mortgage, and property taxes should the client become medically frail or incapacitated, which can also prevent the loss of a home.
- Tax Sale Foreclosure Prevention: To address the rising number of low-income homeowners in at risk of losing their homes due to delinquent property taxes, tax sale clinics were established in partnership with MVLS. Each year, the vast majority of those attending our clinics were able to be removed from the tax sale list immediately, with others referred for longer-term representation. PBRC operates legal clinics in Baltimore City and Prince George’s County during the month of April.
Each volunteer opportunity has a relevant training to prepare you for the work. Take a training to get started!
Estate Planning Services
Attorneys with less than two years of estate planning experience complete an online training course prior to volunteering. Attorneys meet one-on-one with Baltimore City clients at a day-long clinic and prepare wills, advance medical directives, and financial powers of attorney.
View the video about our Estate Planning Clinics to see how you can give back to Maryland's seniors!
Tax Sale Foreclosure Prevention
Lawyers complete an online training to give brief advice and take cases to assist homeowners facing tax sale foreclosure.