Medical Debt: Legislative Updates and Strategies for Pre/Post Collection
Medical Debt: Legislative Updates and Strategies for Pre/Post Collection
Room 304: 11:15 AM to 12:30 PM
There is no denying that health care is essential. No matter your health condition, everyone knows that medical bills can be expensive, which makes it all too easy to incur rapidly. It is estimated that $88 billion to $140 billion dollars of medical debt alone is in collections in the U.S. which effect 1 in 5 Americans. Maryland has recently passed new legislation regarding medical debt protections. This session will inform attorneys, advocates, and community partners of the medical debt legislative and regulatory updates as well as provide them with best strategies to assist their clients dealing with medical debt.
- Lindsey Muniak, Debt Collective
- Aja' Mallory, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service
- Mary Migues-Jordan, Civil Justice
Moderator: Jade McDuffie McClary, National Trust for Historic Preservation