Consumer Protection Clinics

Representing Consumers in District Court:
Identifying Defenses & Negotiating Settlements

- Recorded on 10/22/2021 -

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View the training online anytime. You will be emailed the training link within 1 business day of registering.

PBRC’s Courtroom Advocacy Project (CAP) will prepare you to effectively interview and advise clients and defend, settle, and negotiate common types of debt collection cases in Maryland District Court, including actions involving debt buyers, residential leases, and auto loans.

This training is offered as part of PBRC's Courtroom Advocacy Project (CAP).  It is offered free to lawyers who agree to volunteer at two (2) Consumer Protection Project (CPP) Brief Advice Clinics in Baltimore City or Prince George's County within one (1) year of registering.

PBRC's Consumer Protection Project (CPP) is operated in partnership with Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service (MVLS) and is supported by grant awards from the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Access to Justice Department and the American College of Bankruptcy Foundation.

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Questions? Contact the CAP Team at
