Criminal Record Expungement in Maryland

Gordon Feinblatt, LLC 1001 Fleet St Suite 700, Baltimore, Baltimore

The training will cover Maryland criminal record expungement law, working with low-income and homeless clients, expungement filing and Court process, and expungement mistakes and how to avoid them. Participating attorneys must agree to accept 3 client cases from Homeless Persons Representation Project (HPRP) within 1 year of training.

Tax Sale Clinic – Baltimore City

Sandtown Winchester Senior Center 1601 Baker Street, Baltimore

Homeowners can attend a free Tax Sale Prevention Clinic on Thursday, April 18, 2019, from 12:00 AM to 4:00 PM, at Sandtown Winchester Senior Center, 1601 Baker Street, Baltimore, MD 21217.  Attorneys will give one-on-one brief legal advice to distressed homeowners at risk of losing her homes due to delinquent property taxes or water bills.