Custody, Guardianship & Obtaining a Predicate Order for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: Mock Hearing Edition

 - Recorded Wednesday, October 9, 2024  -

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View the training online anytime. You will be emailed the training link within 1 business day of registering.

Nearly all immigrant children who appear in immigration court without legal representation are deported. You can make a difference by volunteering to represent a child who suffered abuse, abandonment, or neglect by one of their parents and is eligible for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (“SIJS”).

Register today and commit to preventing deportations. This training will prepare volunteers to represent caregivers before the MD Circuit Court – the first important part of obtaining SIJS.

Participating lawyers must be a current volunteer with a Maryland Immigrant Legal Assistance Project (MILAP) partner or agree to accept one new SIJS case within one year of registering. 

Co-sponsored by:
Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland, DC Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), and Zanvyl and Isabelle Krieger Fund. This project is also supported by the Montgomery County Department of Community Engagement Cluster and by a grant from the Maryland Judiciary’s Department of Juvenile and Family Services.

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Questions? Contact the MILAP Team at
