From veterans’ benefits to Medicaid hearings, estate planning to gender identity petitions, the list goes on and on. PBRC’s volunteer instructors make our work possible, sharing their expertise with others so we all can ensure a fair justice system. Thank you to the following instructors for playing such a critical role in our mission.



Christina Askins
Alexa Bertinelli
Mikhael H. Borgonos
Jordan Brookmyer
Adobolia Buford
Louise Carwell
Eleyse D’Andrea
Laura DePalma
Van T. Doan
Meg Elseroad
Wendell Finner
Emily Ford
Michele Gilman
Natalie Grossman
Kay Harding
Amy Hennen
Matt Hill
Eldon Hong
Rob Horne
Kathleen P. Hyland
Mary Keenan
Connie Kratovil-Lavelle
Jason Manne
Hugh McClean
Alex McGee
Melanie Murray Mfume
Krystal Montgomery
Christina Ochoa
Ellyn Reidl
Gretchen Reimert
Russell R. “Ronnie” Reno, Jr.
Chante Rice
Jim Richardson
Cynthia Riely
Shana Roth-Gormley
Jane Santoni
Sarah Steege
William Steinwedel
Michael Stone
Rob Strupp
Elizabeth Tarloski
Rebecca Woods
Steven Wrobel
Swapna Yeluri
Cory L. Zajdel
Rachel Zoghlin