CAP Hotline Volunteer Page

"I have received a notice to vacate! What does summary ejectment mean?! My ceiling leaks, but my landlord won't make repairs -- what can I do?"


These are the types of questions we hear every day on our Tenant & Consumer Hotline.  Landlord/tenant law and the court process can be very confusing in Maryland, and the PBRC hotline is there to answer these types of questions from tenants and to help them understand their rights. It can make a huge difference in a tenant's ability to stay in their home if in a moment of crisis, they have access to an attorney who can calmly give them reliable, free advice on their next steps.

However, due to the volume of calls, we need your help! Please consider volunteering with PBRC's Hotline, which can be done from the convenience of your own office, to ensure that low-income Marylanders know their rights as renters and can navigate complex laws. 

PBRC Volunteer Hotline FAQ

What does PBRC need a hotline volunteer to do?​

Give brief legal advice to callers on our Tenant Hotline.  Tenants call with questions about notices taped to their doors, questions about their rental assistance application, unsafe conditions in their home, and much, much more.

What does a typical hotline volunteer session look like? ​How long is each session?

We offer two 4 hour shifts per day. A volunteer will be given a web application to access the Hotline, so they may take these calls while working in their regular office.

What training will I need to complete beforehand? ​

To adequately assist tenants, an understanding of Maryland Landlord/tenant law is necessary; therefore, this opportunity is open to all attorneys who have completed our Volunteering in Rent Court training.

What technological resources do I need to acquire? ​

Most laptop or desktop computers will work just fine. Your mobile phone can be an option as well.

Will there be mentorship or guidance available?

During your volunteer shift, you will be assigned a Staff Attorney Advisor.  They are there to answer any and all questions that come up during your shift! There is an instant chat function on the web application used for the calls, or you can email or call them.

How many community members should I expect to talk to in a volunteer session?

​A typical shift would be about 6 - 12 calls.  These can be answered as the call comes in. Should you need to step away, callers hear a message that directs them to call back or to send us an email.

I am having trouble with the Zoom phone, what should I do?

Click here to access Zoom support. If you continue to experience issues, please reach out to your Staff Attorney Advisor.

Questions? Contact the CAP Team at