Criminal Record Expungement Webcast

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Topics covered:

  • Maryland expungement law
  • Working with homeless & low-income clients
  • Taking a pro bono case with HPRP
  • Updates in expungement law
  • Top 10 expungement law mistakes & how to avoid them
  • Advanced case search tips

This updated training is required for existing volunteers who wish to continue to volunteer with the project.


  • Christina Askins, Legal Clinic Coordinator, HPRP
  • Katie Meyer Scott, Director of Pro Bono Programs, HPRP

Mentors, case support, and malpractice insurance will be available to attorneys taking pro bono cases.

By accessing this webcast, you are confirming your agreement to accept 3 pro bono cases from HPRP within 1 year of the training. Each case is typically a 3 hour commitment. 

Co-Sponsored by Homeless Persons Representation Project (HPRP) and Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland.


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