[KIND-BAL] Introductory Training – Representing Children in Immigration Matters

Thursday, May 20, 9-11am EST

Join us to learn about the U.S. immigration system, obtaining advocacy experience, and providing valuable pro bono legal representation for a vulnerable child facing deportation. The presentation will cover an overview of unaccompanied immigrant children and the laws that affect them; working with child clients and interpreters; family court and immigration proceedings for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status cases in Maryland; asylum law; and cases available for placement. This training is required for new pro bono attorneys prior to taking on their first KIND case, but there is no requirement of accepting a case to attend.

Please register for the training by Friday, May 14, here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMoceCgqTMoGteJyfEs3cvbjPJaAmLiVBf3