Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (I-360 with USCIS), Adjustment of Status, and Removal Proceedings in Immigration Court

Lexi (16) fled Honduras after witnessing her stepfather abuse her mother. Lexi’s biological father left when her mother was pregnant with Lexi. During her trip to the U.S., Lexi was sexually assaulted and forced to work until her family paid a ransom. While in the U.S., Lexi’s sponsor kicked her out. Lexi is awaiting placement in foster care. Lexi is eligible for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status based on abandonment by her father, her attorney is representing her in pursuing the required findings. Lexi is also eligible for trafficking benefits and may qualify for a T Visa based on forced labor.

If you are interested in taking this case, please contact Victoria Villator at vvillator@supportkind.org.