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REGISTER NOW – The 20th Annual Maryland Partners for Justice Conference will take place on Thursday, April 26, 2018!
Each year the Maryland Partners for Justice Conference presents a unique opportunity for legal services program staff, the public and private bar, members of the judiciary, human services agencies, elected officials, and others to discuss critical issues facing the poor and underrepresented in our state. With an expected number of over 250 attendees, the structure of the day includes a variety of panel discussions related to the delivery of legal services to the poor and disenfranchised, a morning plenary, and a luncheon keynote address by powerful guest speakers with a passion for justice.
[button link=”http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eezuslx238b3f8df&llr=56hupukab” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] REGISTER ONLINE[/button] [button link=”www.probonomd.org/conference” type=”big”] More Info[/button]
Questions? Contact Kiah E. Pierre, Staff Liaison to the Conference Planning Committee, at kpierre@probonomd.org or 443-703-3046.
For Sponsorship Opportunities, contact Linzey Powers, Development Director, at lpowers@probonomd.org or 443-613-8144.