PBRC Volunteer Profile: Kim Caspari

Kim Caspari, Esq. MSBA Member, Professional Skills Academy Fellow, PBRC Volunteer
Can you tell me a little about your private practice?
I started off in a corporate transactional position after law school. Over the years, my practice has concentrated in residential real estate matters, title work and real estate mediation. I am licensed in Maryland as a lawyer and a real estate broker.
Which of PBRC’s projects do you volunteer with, and what do you do there?
During the past year, I volunteered with several of PBRC’s pro bono clinics, and also accepted a variety of cases. In the Consumer Protection Project, I represented consumers in affidavit judgment suits based on consumer loans like auto loans, bail bonds, and credit cards. I helped consumers who would otherwise have been forced to defend themselves at trial pro se against the creditor’s attorney. In the Tenant Volunteer Lawyer of the Day Program, I helped tenants navigate their options to defend against landlord claims for rent. As a volunteer with the Home Preservation Project, I advised Baltimore city homeowners facing tax sale and eviction stemming from property taxes or water bills. I also volunteered to help low-income seniors with simple wills, advance medical directives, and financial powers of attorney.
What was the experience of volunteering like?
PBRC provided comprehensive training in areas in which I was unfamiliar. During the rent court and consumer court sessions, it was both intimidating and thrilling to advocate for clients in fast-paced District Court hearings. The staff attorneys who mentored those clinics were very helpful! I appreciated the “roadmap” documents and charts that PBRC provided. I also learned a lot by observing the mentor attorneys consult with the clients on the matters that I was less familiar with.
What did you like most about this volunteering experience?
My client’s appreciation was the best experience for me. The limited scope representation projects also provided an efficient way to learn a great deal, and help the clients within a short timeframe.
How does remote volunteering compare with in-person volunteering?
During COVID, I did not have the opportunity to connect with pro bono clients by video — only in phone sessions. It was more difficult to “connect” with my client without eye contact and body language. Shaking hands used to be a way to convey trust. However, the convenience of working from my own location allowed me to take more time with each client to build rapport.
Can you tell me about a client you met while volunteering?
I took a custody case from Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service. My client was pro se when he filed for custody of his daughter. Through a series of events he ended up with limited temporary custody and the trial was postponed due to the COVID outbreak. When I met my client, he was frustrated and distraught that the mother’s parents had been able to attain de facto parent status, stepping into the shoes of the mother, who had a history of substance abuse. Despite my client’s good record in parenting, he felt like the system was stacked against him when the sheriff came to take his four-year-old child from his house. The case is still ongoing. It’s been tough for my client, but it’s crucial that clients have lawyers on their side as they navigate issues like family separation and the loss of housing.
How has doing pro bono work changed you?
Pro bono work has expanded my view of the clients’ lives, experiences, and hopes. I hope I will always remember to view others I encounter with fresh eyes.
What message would you give to attorneys thinking about volunteering?
If you’re new to pro bono work, choose an area of law that you are comfortable with, or try something even more daring, like a courtroom clinic! They provide a meaningful experience in a limited timeframe.
For more information about volunteering in Maryland, contact:
Dave Pantzer, PBRC Director of Education, Outreach and Technology
dpantzer@probonomd.org, 443.977.6721