Dr. Dina Shafey Scott
Dr. Dina Shafey Scott
Legal Services Corporation
Panelist, Race Equity Part 1: Moving Beyond the Basics
Dina is the Training and Technical Assistance Manager with the Legal Services Corporation. While at LSC, Dr. Shafey Scott creates, manages, and evaluates all organizational training resources and is developing the new Legal Services Corporation learning platform for LSC’s national network of grantees. Dr. Shafey Scott has an M.P.A. and a Ph.D. in Minority and Urban Education, Curriculum, and Instruction from the University of Maryland College Park. Her research focused on the intersectional identities of marginalized populations to better develop strategies for equal access to education. Dr. Shafey Scott has more than 15 years of experience working with organizations and institutions to build a more comprehensive understanding of diversity, access, and inclusion by creating equitable training and education resources.