Lost in the System: Advocating for Defendants in Competency Limbo

2024 Partners for Justice Conference (2)

Lost in the System: Advocating for Defendants in Competency Limbo

Room 347:  2:15 PM to 3:30 PM

This panel will delve into the critical issue of competency to stand trial statutes and the advocacy gaps for individuals declared incompetent and left in legal limbo. Many defendants are sent to facilities like Springfield Hospital Center, where they await further evaluations, treatments, or legal decisions. Unfortunately, their cases often stagnate due to minimal contact from their assigned attorneys. The session will highlight the lived experiences of these individuals, who can spend prolonged periods in confinement without the necessary legal support to advocate for their rights or monitor their treatment progress. Panelists will discuss the ethical, legal, and social responsibilities of the justice system, identify policy gaps, and propose actionable solutions to ensure meaningful representation and timely intervention for those in competency-related detention. Attendees will gain an understanding of Maryland’s competency to stand trial statutes, identify key challenges and gaps in legal representation, discuss innovative strategies and policy reforms, and learn about community-based advocacy approaches and support networks to bridge the gap when legal counsel is unavailable.


  1. Kimberly June, Advocate
  2. Autumn Lee, Maryland Office of the Public Defender
  3. TBD

Moderator: TBD