Statewide Opportunities

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Date(s)Opportunity (Click button to show/hide details)LocationOpportunity type

Every Mon, Tue, & Wed Baltimore City; Prince George's County Brief Advice Clinic; Immigration + more...

Until Filled Prince George's County Housing - Eviction Prevention; Provide Direct Representation + more...

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM - Statewide -; Allegany County + more... Provide Direct Representation; Remote Brief Advice

Until Filled - Statewide - Provide Direct Representation

Until Filled - Online -; - Remote - + more... Remote Brief Advice

- Online -; - Remote - + more... - Announce -

Until Filled Montgomery County Brief Advice Clinic

Until Filled Anne Arundel County; Prince George's County Brief Advice Clinic; Provide Direct Representation

Wed., Jan 22 Baltimore City Brief Advice Clinic; Community Event

Sat., Jan 25 - Online -; - Remote - + more... Brief Advice Clinic

Wed., Feb 5 Baltimore City Brief Advice Clinic

Thu., Feb 27 - Online -; Baltimore City Training

Each Tue (9:30 am - 1 pm); 1st Thur each month (5 to 7:30 pm) - Remote -; - Statewide - Provide Brief Advice by Phone; Staff a hotline or online chat

Ongoing - Online -; - Remote - + more... Remote Brief Advice; Staff a hotline or online chat

Ongoing - Statewide - Provide Direct Representation

Until Filled - Statewide -; Allegany County + more... Immigration; Provide Direct Representation

Until Filled - Online -; - Statewide - + more... Provide Direct Representation; Research and Writing

Tuesday, 12pm-1pm - Remote -; Harford County Provide Brief Advice by Telephone (Preset times)

Tuesdays, 8:30am-11am Baltimore City Brief Advice Clinic

Until Filled - Remote -; Baltimore City Provide Direct Representation

Until Filled Baltimore City Provide Direct Representation; Remote Brief Advice

Until Filled Montgomery County Provide Direct Representation

Until Filled - Statewide -; Baltimore City + more... Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation

Monday-Friday Baltimore City; Prince George's County Brief Advice Clinic

Wednesdays from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Remote -; Anne Arundel County Remote Brief Advice

Ongoing - Statewide -; Allegany County + more... Provide Direct Representation

Until Filled Caroline County; Cecil County + more... Provide Direct Representation

Until Filled - Online -; - Remote - + more... Remote Brief Advice; Staff a hotline or online chat

Until Filled - Remote -; Baltimore City + more... Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation

Until Filled - Remote -; - Statewide - + more... Provide Direct Representation

Ongoing - Remote -; - Statewide - + more... Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation + more...

Ongoing - Remote -; Montgomery County Provide Direct Representation

Ongoing Anne Arundel County; Baltimore City + more... Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation

Ongoing Baltimore County Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation

Ongoing Caroline County; Dorchester County + more... Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation

Ongoing Montgomery County Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation

Ongoing Allegany County Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation

Ongoing Prince George's County Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation