Provide Brief Advice by Telephone (Preset times)(1)
Provide Direct Representation(24)
Remote Brief Advice(6)
Rent Court(1)
Research and Writing(1)
Staff a hotline or online chat(3)
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Service and training opportunities, public interest jobs, events, and more!
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Every Mon, Tue, & Wed
Baltimore City; Prince George's County
Brief Advice Clinic; Immigration + more...
Volunteer attorneys help immigrant children and families fleeing violence in their home countries gain access to critical legal assistance with their valid claims to remain in the country. Remote and in-court opportunities available. Training and mentorship offered by PBRC will cover immigration benefits and defenses to deportation (asylum, special immigrant juvenile status, U visas, family petitions and more), best practices for interviewing, tips for working with an interpreter, and providing pro se assistance as a pro bono volunteer. To learn more visit
Every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from, MILAP needs volunteer lawyers and interpreters to give legal advice to immigrants in removal proceedings at the Immigration Courts in either Baltimore City or Prince George’s County. Training, mentorship, malpractice insurance, and interpreters provided.
If you would like to volunteer, click here or contact Cate Scenna at 443-465-4627 or
Information for immigrants who need help can be found here:
Until Filled
Prince George's County
Housing - Eviction Prevention; Provide Direct Representation + more...
Community Legal Serivces is seeking attorneys to provide representation to tenants at their Failure to Pay Rent hearings through our same-day tenant representation program. Stipends are available. CLS provides training, malpractice insurance coverage, mentoring, and support to our volunteers. Out-of-state attorneys are welcomed. CLS and the Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland have put together a training on how to represent tenants in Prince George’s County rent court. This training includes Landlord/Tenant rules and perspectives, issue spotting in Failure to Pay Rent complaints, and practical advice for handling cases.
If you wish to take this training, have questions about the program, or want to sign up to represent tenants at their rent court hearings, please contact Kayla Williams, Esq. at Participating attorneys must commit to volunteer to staff two clinics or take two landlord/tenant cases within one year of completing the training.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM
- Statewide -; Allegany County + more...
Provide Direct Representation; Remote Brief Advice
MCLA provides free brief civil legal advice to Marylanders via phone, live chat, and walk-in services. Volunteer attorneys are needed to provide brief legal advice and information to unrepresented litigants in a variety of civil case types. Volunteer online via live chat or by phone!
Flexible hours with no time commitment or ongoing client representation. Volunteer as much as you want, as often as you want, on your own schedule. MCLA assist clients with a wide range of civil legal issues, including family law, landlord-tenant, debt collection, peace and protective orders, expungement, and foreclosure. Training, malpractice insurance & support provided!
FreeState Justice is Maryland’s leading legal nonprofit that connects pro bono attorneys with LGBTQ+ locals in need. By joining our pro bono panel, you will receive regular opportunities to offer your services in our ongoing clinics and represent Marylanders. Our case types are: Discrimination Matters, Estate Planning, Criminal Record Expungements, Family Law Matters, Protective and Peace Orders, Income Maintenance Issues, Individual Rights.
If you are a law firm pro bono attorney serving limited English proficient and Deaf clients, contact Ayuda at to learn more about their specially trained legal interpreters. Ayuda’s contracted interpreters work in over 30 languages and are available for remote and on site (DC Metropolitan area) meetings. Sign a service agreement to access their services at a discounted fee.
Until Filled
Montgomery County
Brief Advice Clinic
MCVLP serves low-income survivors of domestic violence in protection order, divorce, and custody matters. We recently expanded our volunteer model into Montgomery County and are recruiting working/retired/semi-retired attorneys who want to use their skills to help the community. Sign up for a clinic shift at our weekly Domestic Violence and Family Law Clinic at the Rockville Memorial Library and help survivors obtain a protective order, divorce, or custody of their children. Volunteers receive guidance and supervision at this clinic by a Maryland-barred attorney. It is not required to be barred in Maryland to begin volunteering with us.
To learn more, please contact Claire MacKay, Program Coordinator, by email at or by calling 301-883-1077
Until Filled
Anne Arundel County; Prince George's County
Brief Advice Clinic; Provide Direct Representation
Through your help, CLS provides assistance in matters involving family law, domestic violence, foreclosure prevention, consumer issues, bankruptcy, wills, guardianship of adults or children, landlord/tenant, unpaid wages, and other non-fee generating legal matters. With your professional help, we provide legal education, advice and free or reduced fee legal representation to low-income persons in Prince George’s County.
Perhaps you are unable to provide legal representation at this time. CLS provides brief advice to litigants who are not represented by a lawyer. You can choose to volunteer a whole day, half day or perhaps a few hours on a particular day that you are in the courthouse. You will benefit from your volunteering. It helps you build your private practice (we send clients with higher incomes to our volunteer lawyers), and you set your own time and schedule.
You can get started by completing our volunteer attorney intake form or contacting our Executive Director Jessica A. Quincosa at or 240-391-6532.
Until Filled
Montgomery County
Provide Direct Representation
The Montgomery County Volunteer Lawyers Project is looking for volunteers to represent survivors of domestic violence in protective order, custody, or divorce hearings. MCVLP provides insurance for the volunteer, comprehensive training and mentoring, as well as an experienced supervising attorney as co-counsel. It is not required to be Maryland-barred to begin volunteering; attorneys must simply be in good standing with the Bar of any state.
If you are interested in representing a survivor in court, please email MCVLP Program Coordinator at
Each Tue (9:30 am - 1 pm); 1st Thur each month (5 to 7:30 pm)
- Remote -; - Statewide -
Provide Brief Advice by Phone; Staff a hotline or online chat
The Women’s Law Center of Maryland operates an Employment Law Hotline every Tuesday and Friday from 9:30 am to 1 pm, and on the first Thursday of every month, from 5 pm to 7:30 pm. We are seeking more volunteers on the hotline, hoping you will take 2-4 shifts a year. Volunteers need some experience in employment law, so you can screen the calls effectively. For attorneys new to employment law, you can view an online training on Employment Law 101 through the following link. The shift can be done from your office (or anywhere with a phone). You are eligible to receive referrals of cases that come in through the hotline, if desired.
If you would like to volunteer, call 410-321-8761 or download a volunteer application. For more information, call Lynette Whitfield at 410-321-8761 or email at
- Online -; - Remote - + more...
Remote Brief Advice; Staff a hotline or online chat
Maryland Free Legal Answers is a virtual legal advice clinic in which qualifying users post their civil legal questions at no cost to be answered by pro bono attorneys. Question topics include Family, Divorce, Custody, Housing, Eviction, Homelessness, Consumer Rights, Financial, Work, Employment, Unemployment, Health and Disability, Civil Rights, Income Maintenance, Juvenile and Education Law. Volunteer attorneys are tasked with remotely reviewing and answering brief legal questions for low-income Marylanders as part of this ABA-sponsored initiative. Malpractice insurance provided.
Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation
House of Ruth Maryland’s Domestic Violence Legal Clinic help victims of intimate partner violence obtain protective orders, divorce decrees, custody of their children, and child support for free. Services include:
Obtaining or Enforcing a Protective Order
Custody, Divorce, Child Support, and/or Alimony
Relocating for Safety: Lease Termination and Address Confidentiality
When Dealing with Domestic Violence Interferes with Your Job
Pressing Criminal Charges Against Your Abuser
House of Ruth is looking for experienced family law lawyers who have handled protective cases before to represent clients. House of Ruth will provide malpractice insurance.
Volunteer attorneys provide limited scope, day-of-court pro bono representation to Baltimore City and Prince George’s County consumers who have been sued by creditors in district court debt collection actions. With PBRC training and mentorship, lawyers will be prepared to effectively interview and advise clients and defend, settle, and negotiate common types of debt collection cases in Maryland District Court, including actions involving debt buyers, residential leases, and auto loans. To learn more and train to volunteer, visit
To learn more about pro bono service in consumer protection in Baltimore City and Prince George’s County, contact PBRC’s Consumer Protection Program at:
Susan Lerch
Managing Attorney, Consumer Protection Project
Tuesday, 12pm-1pm
- Remote -; Harford County
Provide Brief Advice by Telephone (Preset times)
HCBF is seeking volunteer attorneys to assist with their weekly legal advice clinic held each Tuesday from noon-1pm via telephone. Call HCBF, 410-836-0123, for available time slots. Areas of law include family, employment, criminal, estates and wills, and civil.
Tuesdays, 8:30am-11am
Baltimore City
Brief Advice Clinic
Assist clients on the affidavit judgment docket in determining whether they have any defenses to their debt collection cases every Tuesday in Baltimore City from 8:30am-11pm. Mentors, training and document templates are available.
To learn more and sign up to volunteer, contact Aja’ Mallory at
- Statewide -
Provide Direct Representation
DRM, a private, non-profit law firm, is a leader in disability rights and the Congressionally-mandated Protection and Advocacy organization for individuals with disabilities in Maryland. We provide free legal services and advocacy to persons with disabilities in Maryland. DRM envisions a world where people with disabilities are fully included in the workplace, neighborhoods and all aspects of community life. Our mission is to work with people with disabilities to participate fully in all aspects of community life, and champion their rights to self-determination, dignity, equality, opportunity, and freedom from discrimination and harm.
The Immigration Legal Services Pro Bono Program assists low-income foreign-born individuals in finding pro bono representation for their immigration case. We serve clients in a variety of immigration matters, including asylum, NACARA, SIJS, T/U-visas, VAWA, removal proceedings, adjustment of status, temporary protected status and renewal of work authorization documents.
We strive to offer our pro bono attorneys all the resources and mentorship required for successful outcomes. We offer training and Q&A sessions to ensure attorneys are able to keep up to date. We provide samples, trainings and resources, and we review fillings and even conduct moot hearings, if desired.
Potential volunteers interested in pro bono immigration representation can contact Catholic Charities of Washington, DC to get more information about volunteering with their Immigration Legal Services program.
If you are interested in learning more, contact the Pro Bono Program at
Until Filled
- Online -; - Statewide - + more...
Provide Direct Representation; Research and Writing
The Chesapeake Legal Alliance (CLA) coordinates a network of attorneys who provide pro bono legal services to individuals and organizations working to protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers, streams, and communities. CLA volunteer attorneys work on a broad range of environmental, land use, public health, and corporate projects. We currently work with over 300 attorneys and 95 law firms in New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia.
Many of the attorneys in our network are not litigators or environmentally focused, and yet each offers tremendous value and resources to the people and organizations that we serve. CLA client groups need lawyers capable of working on a wide variety of legal issues, including litigation in state and federal courts, representation of citizens’ groups in zoning cases and other administrative proceedings, drafting and supporting changes in laws and regulations designed to improve the quality of the Chesapeake, and many other projects that fit within CLA’s mission. Volunteer attorneys can also provide assistance with corporate and transactional issues, such as mergers, contract review, not-for-profit filings, and lobbying issues. Additionally, CLA offers all of its volunteer attorneys protection under its malpractice insurance policy.
Whether you are in active practice or retired, or work in the public or private sectors, CLA will match your skills, interest, and experience to a client group in need of your assistance. CLA helps attorneys play a crucial role in Bay restoration by connecting you with individuals and organizations that need legal assistance to address water quality concerns.
Talk with a volunteer lawyer for up to 20 minutes about your civil, non-family legal problem for free! Issues that may be addressed include:
Debt and bankruptcy
Landlord/Tenant questions
Real estate
Employment and wage claim issues
Contracts, warranties and/or consumer disputes
Wills, estate planning, probate, living wills
“Ask a Lawyer in the Library” is held every Wednesday of the month from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
To learn more about this event and to register, please visit the link here.
Until Filled
- Remote -; Baltimore City
Provide Direct Representation
SLS is seeking volunteer lawyers to advise clients on a variety of consumer debt and bankruptcy issues. During this time of financial uncertainty, many seniors are unable to make ends meet. They need your legal advice about issues like:having a judgment entered against them, defending against harassing collections efforts, negotiating a settlement with their creditors, considering bankruptcy, and more.
Interested lawyers can contact Jacqueline A. Jones at 410-396-5605 and/or
Until Filled
Baltimore City
Provide Direct Representation; Remote Brief Advice
CHANA, a program of the Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore, provides crisis intervention, education and consultation, and advocates for community awareness, safety and healing. With your help, we envision an aware and responsive community where all individuals are empowered to live with security and self-determination.
CHANA is looking for volunteers to provide consultations and representation to domestic violence, sexual abuse and elder abuse clients in the areas of family, tax, employment, bankruptcy, guardianship law. Lawyers with experience working with victims and survivors of trauma preferred.
DVS Legal Services is looking for volunteers to represent victims of domestic violence in protective order hearings. DVS will provide insurance for the cases and some mentoring. Experience with these types of cases is preferred.
Recognizing that young people convicted of serious crimes are capable of changing and safely rejoining society, the Maryland General Assembly in April 2021 enacted the Juvenile Restoration Act (JRA). Effective October 1, 2021, this act allows people who have served at least 20 years of a sentence for a crime committed when they were under the age of 18 to file a motion asking the court to reduce their sentence. In light of the number of people who will need legal assistance, the Office of the Public Defender (OPD) is recruiting and training private attorneys who are willing to represent one or more people pro bono in their effort to obtain their freedom.
As a volunteer attorney with Shore Legal Access, you can represent a client, volunteer at one of our many legal clinics, or do case review and provide advice over the phone. The many benefits of volunteering your time with us include having our team handle tracking your pro bono hours, networking opportunities throughout the legal community, free or reduced fee-training on current and new legal practices, and use of our office space for both our clients and yours. Together, we can give people hope and a voice by delivering life-changing legal assistance — and ensure justice truly is for all.
Remote Brief Advice; Staff a hotline or online chat
Volunteers are needed in multiple subject areas, including family law, landlord-tenant, debt collection, peace and protective orders, expungement, and foreclosure. You can assist unrepresented individuals by providing online live chat legal help from the comfort of your office or home! Training on MCLA’s online live chat legal services will take place via webinar.
Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation
TurnAround, Inc. is looking for experienced family law and civil lawyers who can assist with protective orders, divorce/custody, landlord/tenant and employment matters. TurnAround provides comprehensive services to survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence and human trafficking. TurnAround is unable to provide malpractice insurance.
Community Law Center provides legal services to communities and nonprofit organizations throughout Maryland to promote stronger nonprofits and more vibrant neighborhoods. Our Pro Bono Program matches volunteer lawyers with nonprofits seeking assistance on legal matters.
For more information and to register for our pro bono program, please visit the following link.
- Remote -; - Statewide - + more...
Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation + more...
Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service MVLS offers mentorship, malpractice insurance, and trainings. Take on a full representation case, provide help through a legal clinic, or accept a reduced fee family law case through Judicare. Learn new areas of law, meet leaders in the field, and gain valuable courtroom experience while making a difference. MVLS clients need the legal help you can provide to win their struggles against instability and poverty.
Help low income Marylanders with the Montgomery County Bar Foundation. To access information pertaining to the Pro Bono Program: You can direct any questions to Deborah Mantilla Craven, Pro Bono Program Coordinator, at or 301.762.5831.
Anne Arundel County; Baltimore City + more...
Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation
MVLS Volunteer Attorney Obligations
Attorney must execute the Judicare contract.
Absent exceptional circumstances, attorney must represent client through the life of the case, even after a Judicare case has exceeded the maximum reimbursement of hours.
Representation includes entering appearance in the client’s legal action.
Attorney may not charge the Client legal fees for legal work provided.
Attorney is not obligated to pay any filing fees or other court costs on behalf of the client. Attorney must seek to have fees waived by the court.
Attorney should submit reimbursement for litigation expenses to PBRC, and any remaining expenses should be paid by the client.
Litigation Expenses. Requests for litigation reimbursement need to be submitted to the Pro Bono Resource Center. To get more information or the required forms, visit
Attorney Payment
Complete instructions are included in the Judicare contract.
An attorney is paid $100 per hour up to a maximum of 30 hours ($3,000) per case for legal services provided.
Judicare funds can only be used for legal services. It does not include other staff work, fees, travel time, etc.
Invoices should be submitted quarterly during representation. Invoices must specify name of client, case number, and a description of legal services provided with the dates and time of service in 10 minute increments.
Request for payment must include:
Detailed invoice
Case Update or Closure form
If case is closed –Any final legal documents (court order, etc.)
Payments are generally provided within 30 days of submission.
The final $500 in fees will be held until the case is closed.
Margaret Henn, Director of Program Management, 443-451-4067 or Makeisha Gibson, Senior Paralegal, 443-451-4072 or
Baltimore County
Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation
Do you have more than three years of family law experience?
Are you an attorney who would like to handle a Judicare case (contested custody) in Baltimore County at a reduced fee? Download a volunteer application.
Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation
Do you have more than three years of family law experience?
Are you an attorney who would like to handle a Judicare case (family law) in Allegany County at a reduced fee? Please call Allegany Law at 301-722-3390.
Judicare (Family Law); Provide Direct Representation
Do you have more than three years of family law experience?
Are you an attorney who would like to handle a Judicare case (family law) in Prince George’s County at a reduced fee? Fill out a volunteer application.