Criminal Record Expungement in Maryland

Live Webinar MD

The training covers Maryland criminal record expungement law, working with low-income and homeless clients, expungement filing and Court process, and expungement mistakes and how to avoid them.

Criminal Record Expungement in Maryland

Live Webinar MD

This training covers Maryland criminal record expungement law, working with low-income and homeless clients, expungement filing and Court process, and expungement mistakes and how to avoid them.

Criminal Record Expungement in Maryland: A Comprehensive Overview

Michael E. Busch Annapolis Library 1410 West Street, Annapolis, MD, United States

This training covers Maryland criminal record expungement law, working with low-income and homeless clients, expungement filing and Court process, considerations due to the new Maryland cannabis laws, and expungement mistakes and how to avoid them. Participating lawyers must be barred in Maryland and agree to accept 3 client matters from an MLSC-grantee expungement provider within 1 year of registering.