HPP Estate Planning Clinic – Baltimore County

North Point Branch of the Baltimore County Library 1716 Merritt Blvd, Dundalk

Volunteer lawyers provide one-on-one brief advice and assist clients with preparing wills, powers of attorney, and advance medical directives.

Criminal Record Expungement Fair

Charles County Office of the Public Defender 200 Kent Avenue, Suite 102, La Plata, MD, United States

Free Expungement Event (Maryland State Cases Only): Don't let your past get in the way of your success! Attend this free Criminal Record Expungement Fair, hosted by the Charles County Office of the Public Defender. Walk-ins only. No appointments necessary!

MILAP Immigration Clinic – Baltimore County

Patapsco High School 8100 Wise Avenue, Dundalk, MD, United States

Volunteer lawyers (barred in any state) help immigrant children and families fleeing violence in their home countries gain access to critical legal assistance with their valid claims to remain in the country.

HPP Estate Planning Clinic – Baltimore City

Bon Secours Community Resource Center 31 S Payson Street, Baltimore, MD, United States

Volunteer lawyers provide one-on-one brief advice and assist clients with preparing wills, powers of attorney, and advance medical directives.

HPP Estate Planning Clinic – Baltimore City

Middle Branch Fitness and Wellness Center 201 Reedbird Avenue, Baltimore, United States

Volunteer lawyers provide one-on-one brief advice and assist clients with preparing wills, powers of attorney, and advance medical directives.

HPP Estate Planning Clinic – Baltimore County

Randallstown Branch of the Baltimore County Public Library 8604 Liberty Road, Randallstown, MD, United States

Volunteer lawyers provide one-on-one brief advice and assist clients with preparing wills, powers of attorney, and advance medical directives.

HPP Estate Planning Clinic – Baltimore City

Amazing Grace Lutheran Church 2424 McElderry Street, Baltimore, MD, United States

Volunteer lawyers provide one-on-one brief advice and assist clients with preparing wills, powers of attorney, and advance medical directives.

Professional Skills Series: Avoiding Grievances when Working with Challenging Clients


Each meeting typically runs from noon to 2 pm, and includes three components: a 75-minute skills training; a 20-minute exercise; and a 20-minute mentoring roundtable, where attendees can bring up litigation and other lawyering questions they’re currently facing (whether related to the presentation topic or not), and get input from the group. Experienced litigators will be present during the entire event.

Real Estate Boot Camp: Title, Survey and Closing Basics (MSBA CLE)

100 Light St, Baltimore, MD 21202 100 Light St, Baltimore, MD, United States

Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) and PBRC offer 3 free and 3 discounted slots for select MSBA Continuing Legal Education (CLE) courses to volunteer and legal services provider staff attorneys. Click for more details.