In Memoriam: June White Dillard

June White Dillard | GettyImages: The Washington Post / Contributor A tribute to June White Dillard by Elizabeth Grove   We learned of the passing of June White Dillard simply…

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Volunteer Profile: Sima G. Fried

Sima G. Fried, PBRC Board President & Volunteer Can you tell me a little about your private practice? Overall, my legal practice is fairly evenly divided between business litigation and…

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Volunteer Profile: Robert Mitchell

Robert Mitchell, Esq., PBRC Volunteer With which of PBRC’s projects do you volunteer?  I volunteer with the Home Preservation Project, which helps clients to build intergenerational wealth by paying bills and preserving their home. …

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PBRC Celebrates Black History Month

The Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland supports and engages lawyers who assist clients, communities, and causes that may be overlooked or forgotten. We stand for racial and social equity…

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PBRC Volunteer Profile: Raymond Brown

“The best part [about volunteering] is the smile, either seen or heard through the voice of your client. Their genuine happiness for a chance to talk and set up a plan is really a heartfelt experience.” – Raymond Brown, Esq., MSBA Member and PBRC Volunteer

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