Breaking News

Please direct media inquiries to Sharon E. Goldsmith, Executive Director of Pro Bono Resource Center, 443-837-9379 ext. 3048


By Dave Pantzer | February 4, 2015

63 year old disabled client is seeking legal advice regarding a 1st and 2nd mortgage on the home that she purchased in 1991. Client believes that the $6,000 loan should…


By Dave Pantzer | February 4, 2015

62 year old disabled client is seeking legal assistance regarding a rental assistance subsidy. His subsidy was withdrawn and he seeks to understand the reason if the subsidy can by…

Divorce – Uncontested

By Dave Pantzer | February 4, 2015

66 year old disabled client would like to file for uncontested Divorce; note: No marital property or minor children. Interested attorneys can contact Jacqueline Jones at 410-396-5605 or

Custody Modification

By Dave Pantzer | February 4, 2015

Spanish-speaking Mother/client wants to file for sole physical/legal custody for the parties’ two minor children, ages 9 and 2 years old. Parties were married and divorced in 2013. Per the…

Defamation Education

By Dave Pantzer | February 4, 2015

Work with a community organization to educate the board on the legal rules prohibiting libel and slander. If you are interested in learning more about this pro bono opportunity, please…

Bankruptcy – Chapter 7

By Dave Pantzer | February 4, 2015

Senior Legal Services has an urgent need to locate volunteers to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Petitions: Senior Legal Services has several low income senior clients that require legal assistance to…

Maryland Legal Community Looks For Attorneys For Undocumented Immigrant Children

By Dave Pantzer | November 3, 2014

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Baltimore’s Draconian Tax Foreclosures Exposed by Local Foundation

By Dave Pantzer | October 29, 2014

Nonprofit advocates have been laser-focused on preventing bank and mortgage company foreclosures, but homeowners can lose their homes to municipal government authorities due to unpaid taxes just as easily. The…

City homeowners lose property for just $250 in unpaid taxes

By Dave Pantzer | October 27, 2014

Homeowners in Baltimore can lose their houses for as little as $250 in unpaid taxes — a threshold far lower than in other cities — according to a new Abell…

Representing Unaccompanied Minors – WYPR’s Maryland Morning with Sheilah Kast

By Dave Pantzer | October 27, 2014

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