Staff Profile: Liza Woods

Liza Woods joined PBRC in 2022 and serves as the Data Entry Specialist of the Courtroom Advocacy Project (CAP). Liza is responsible for inputting, organizing, and maintaining the project’s data and client records and helping to ensure grant compliance. She also assists with client intake and rental assistance referrals for at-risk tenants.

Where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in Maryland.

What brought you to Maryland/Baltimore?
While I have lived in other places too my love of MD along with my family and friends always brings me back here.

Where did you go to school and what was your major/focus?
I went to Towson University and my major was Mass Communication with a concentration in Journalism and New Media.

What are your interests/hobbies?
I’m a huge music fan and love going to concerts & I’m also a huge sports fan especially football and baseball (Go Ravens & O’s!) I also love writing, dancing and I am huge animal lover & love helping animals or animal charities when I can.

How did get involved with PBRC?
I was looking for a job at a non-profit that had a mission I believe in and found the ad for a Data Entry Specialist position. After discovering the mission of PBRC I knew it would be the perfect place for me. Needless to say, I was really happy when I got the job.

What were you doing prior to working here?
I have a very diverse background but most recently I have worked at a few non-profits including United Way and the American Heart Association. I was also doing some freelance writing too.

What do you do at PBRC?
My title is Data Entry Specialist and while I do data entry of course I do many other things too including helping with volunteers, the academy, reporting & other things too.

What is your proudest accomplishment?
My proudest accomplishment probably is being the first college graduate in my family. Both of my parents and my three older brothers never went to college, so I was happy to be the first one and achieve one of my biggest goals.

What motivates you? What quote inspires you to do the work you do?
Helping others definitely motivates me. A quote that inspires me is “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” These lyrics from a U2 song also really resonate w/me: “It’s not why you’re running, it’s where you’re going. It’s not what you’re dreaming but what you’re gonna do. It’s not where you’re born, it’s where you belong. It’s not how weak but what will make you strong.”

What has been your most meaningful experience with PBRC?
Interacting with some of the people who we help who share their appreciation for helping them. It feels good to know even if I am not the lawyer or paralegal helping them that I still somehow have helped them in my own way.

What sets PBRC apart in your mind, OR what do you appreciate about the mission?
Offering free help to people who are most in need of it is such an incredible and rare thing to do and sets PBRC apart from other non-profits.

What message would you give to people thinking about volunteering with PBRC?
Don’t hesitate to do it! PBRC is a wonderful organization that helps so many people who otherwise may not get the legal help they need. Also, everyone who works at PBRC believes in what they’re doing which makes it even more gratifying to work or volunteer here.

Tell us something random about yourself…
Something random about myself is I lived in Ireland and wrote for a music magazine while I was there.

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