The 16th Annual Veterans Legal Assistance
Conference & Training


Friday, April 4, 2025 from 8:00 AM to 4:45 PM
University of Baltimore School of Law, John and Frances Angelos Law Center
1401 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201

Designed for lawyers, law students, veterans, policymakers and other service professionals, this annual conference provides a forum for discussion of critical legal issues facing our veterans.

The conference will include a training for lawyers interested in representing veterans in claims for service-connected disability benefits, as well as training for non-attorney veterans interested in serving as mentors for the Baltimore City Veterans Treatment Docket.  Other sessions will include panels on how to get Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) benefits, discharge appeals review, and Permanent & Total Disability (PTD).

Veterans Benefits 101 training is available for lawyers who agree to accept one pro bono case from a nonprofit legal services provider organization within 1 year. Staff of nonprofit legal services providers may attend without a commitment, but must register with their .org email address.

Keynote Address by

Paula Neira, JD, MSN, RN, CEN, FAAN

Navy Veteran and National Expert on LGBTQ+ and Military Issues

Conference Organizers:

Questions? Contact Kiah Pierre at