Partners for Justice Conference
Topics Selected
The 2025 Partners for Justice Conference Planning Committee & Panel Coordinators will use this webpage to store important links related to Conference Planning. Please do not share this website with those outside the Conference Planning Committee & Panel Coordinators. Thank you!
Wednesday, May 21, 2025
Baltimore Convention Center
1 W. Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
Topics Selected:
Resolving Student Loan Debt Inside and Outside of Bankruptcy
Join us for an expert panel to discuss how to try to resolve student loan debt inside and outside bankruptcy, especially given the new federal guidelines instructing the US Attorney's office on how to handle adversary proceedings in bankruptcies. We will also discuss options on how to handle private student loan debt, both inside and outside of bankruptcy.
- Joshua Cohen, Cohen Consumer Law
- Amy Hennen, Maryland Office of Financial Regulation
- Jeffrey Scholnick, Scholnick Law
Moderator: William Steinwedel, Maryland Legal Aid
Coordinator: William Steinwedel, Maryland Legal Aid;
Room 346 - PM
Rent Escrow and Habitability After the Tenant Safety Act
The Tenant Safety Act fundamentally changed the way in which rent escrow and warranty of habitability claims are brought. With the ability to collect attorney fees and other aspects of the statutes that changed- the way in which we are brining these cases has changed. While the change is recent, advocates will have several months to build knowledge of these cases to share in a larger group.
Proposed Panelists:
- Emily Read, Maryland Legal Aid -- Anne Arundel County
- Valda Ricks, Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland -- Baltimore City
- Elizabeth Ashford, Public Justice Center -- Baltimore City
Proposed Moderator: Joe Loveless, Maryland Legal Aid -- Frederick County
Coordinator: James Bell, Maryland Legal Aid;
Why it's important: With ACE, a large amount of the community is now housing focused. The result is that we are all regularly seeing these cases. Since the statute has changed so much, a refresher of how to handle these cases, and an opportunity to talk about our successes.
- Substantive Legal
Advocating for Justice: Strategies and Innovations in Representing Detained Immigrants
This panel will dive into the current landscape of advocacy for detained immigrants, highlighting new approaches, strategies, and programs designed to secure fair treatment, reduce detention time, and promote due process. The panelists will share innovative legal and community-driven advocacy models that aim to support detained immigrants, especially those from marginalized backgrounds, in navigating a complex system.
Proposed Panelists:
- Francisco Flores, Children's Program of Amica Center for Immigrant Rights
- Rose Richardson, Detained Adult Program of Amica Center for Immigrant Rights
- Bria Yazic, Chacon Center for Immigrant Justice
Moderator: Cate Scenna, Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland
Coordinator: Monica Mananzan, Amica Center for Immigrant Rights;
Room 350 - AM2
Law & (dis)Orders: Protecting and Preserving Dignity of Persons with Disabilities in the Courtroom
Dignity is a significant concept in law, ethics, and morality, and should be preserved for every client, despite their ability to pay for legal representation. However, for clients with disabilities, maintaining dignity throughout the proceedings is often as important as the outcome.
For same-day and limited-scope representation, client-centered counseling can be challenging. However, clients and/or attorneys with disabilities, like any other litigant, expect to participate actively in the attorney-client relationship.
It’s important for attorneys and judges to acknowledge any special needs of the client and do their best to make reasonable accommodations that directly impact the clients dignity, such as resisting paternalism or avoiding making assumptions based on stereotypes.
The legal process can be intimidating to every client, but for those with disabilities (who often have more at stake), the preservation of dignity can be easily overlooked - or downright ignored- in the name of advocacy.
This panel seeks to promote awareness while offering useful information and insight on ensuring dignity for pro bono clients and others in the courtroom.
- Katelyn Keegan, Law Office of Katelyn Keegan
- Garrett Mooney, Baltimore City’s States Attorney Office
- Viola Woolums, Mayor's Commission on Disabilities
Moderator: Perneita Farrar, P. Farrar Legal Services LLC
Coordinator: Perneita Farrar, P. Farrar Legal Services LLC;
Room 349 - AM1
Freelance Isn’t Free: Protecting Freelance Workers in Maryland and Around the U.S.
Did you know nearly 8 in 10 freelancers struggle with nonpayment? Freelancers are over a third of the national workforce and nonpayment affects individuals across all industries – from construction to television. On November 16, 2016, the first Freelance Isn’t Free Act was signed into law in New York City. Subsequently, similar legislation has passed in Seattle, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Illinois State, and New York State. This panel will consider the laws that have been passed, the protections afforded, and the variations within them. Additionally, the panel will assess opportunities to ensure freelancers in Maryland, a significant segment of Maryland’s workforce, get paid on time every time.
- Nicholas Cohen, Maryland Citizens for the Arts
- Rafael Espinal, Freelancers Union
- John Rudikoff, John Rudikoff Law
Moderator: Christia Ravenell, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts - Baltimore City
Coordinator: Sarah Scalet, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts;
Room 348 - PM
Healing Tools for Justice Workers
In a high-stakes environment where legal professionals are often exposed to trauma and systemic injustices, this workshop aims to provide essential healing tools for justice workers to foster resilience and well-being. Participants will engage in practical, culturally informed self-care strategies that incorporate mindfulness, community support, and creative expression. Through guided meditation, reflective writing exercises, and group discussions, attendees will explore how these healing practices can mitigate burnout and enhance their capacity to serve vulnerable populations effectively. By integrating holistic approaches into their daily routines, justice workers can cultivate a sustainable practice that not only supports their own mental health but also strengthens their commitment to equitable justice for all.
- Tuesday Barnes, Morgan State University
- Imani Jackson, Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA)
- Ife Minor, Redeeming Light Wellness Center
Moderator: TBD by Committee
Coordinator: Tuesday Barnes, Morgan State University;
Room 347 - AM1
Practical AI and Automation Tools for Maryland Legal Nonprofits
We'll share a spectrum of reasonably safe and trustworthy generative AI and automation tools and techniques that small organizations with little or no technical support can implement easily or with help from within the community.
First, we'll look at a few of the major commercial off-the-shelf tools for office efficiency, and provide a cookbook approach to developing your own solutions.
Then we'll explore a few bigger AI and automation projects underway in Maryland, and think about how they can directly benefit the community and provide models for further development.
Finally, we'll look at elements that go into an AI Use Policy, and give participants some insights on balancing usefulness and information safety.
Proposed Panelists:
- Dave Pantzer, Maryland Legal Services Corporation -- Baltimore City
- Russ Bloomquist, Maryland Legal Aid -- Baltimore City
Proposed Moderator: TBD by Committee
Coordinator: Dave Pantzer, Maryland Legal Services Corporation;
Why it's important: When new generative AI tools hit the news in recent years, many sat back to see if the fad would blow over, or if the world would be remade. The reality so far is somewhere in between, but legal services programs and funders across the county are engaging with these tools, and seeking responsible ways to boost efficiency and help more people.
Any extreme approach to AI, from all-out embrace to all-out refusal, creates risks for an organization; our hope is to showcase responsible ways for organizations in Maryland to approach the opportunities and risks.
- Innovative Service
- Management
- Technology & Data
Grassroots Justice: Community Justice Workers Building Access from the Ground Up
Engage in an interactive dialogue and listening session about the Maryland movement to establish community justice workers, what it could mean for access to the legal system for all, and implications for the civil legal services community. Participants will hear from speakers with diverse perspectives and experiences and have an opportunity to provide input on the Maryland effort.
Proposed Panelists:
- Dr. Bernadette Fouche, Wicomico County Department of Health -- Wicomico County
- Syeetah Hampton-EL, Office of Administrative Hearings -- Anne Arundel County
- Hon. Angela Eaves, Supreme Court of Maryland -- Baltimore City
Proposed Moderator: Marshall Shord, Shore Legal Access - Talbot County
Coordinator: Meredith Girard, Shore Legal Access;
Why it's important: The movement towards a Maryland community justice worker initiative is already under way. The concept has the potential to transform the way that people with limited financial means resolve their legal issues, with significant implications for the civil legal services community. This is a key opportunity both for learning and gathering input and feedback for Maryland's effort.
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
- Innovative Service
Breaking Barriers: Disability Perspectives in Legal Practice
Join us for a dynamic session that brings together legal professionals with disabilities and an ADHD coach for an in-depth exploration of thriving in the legal field. This interactive workshop combines personal narratives with collaborative discussion to address both individual and systemic challenges. Our diverse panel will share their journeys, highlighting how they've navigated professional obstacles through mentorship, coaching, technology, and personal strategies. The ADHD coach will offer specialized insights into executive functioning strategies and workplace accommodations that support success in legal careers.
The session begins with panelists sharing their experiences of overcoming challenges, discussing systemic barriers in the profession, and presenting their vision for truly inclusive workplace cultures. The second half transitions into an engaging dialogue where participants and panelists together explore practical solutions. Topics will include effective tools for navigating legal careers with disabilities, strategies for organizations to create more inclusive hiring practices, and actionable steps to better support disabled legal professionals.
This workshop aims to provide both inspiration and practical takeaways for legal professionals with disabilities and organizations committed to inclusive excellence.
- Adam Curtis, ACE Coaching
- Hon. Ana Hernandez, District Court of Maryland for Baltimore City
- Richard Shermanski, Ethics & Compliance Leader
Moderator: Gary C. Norman, CMS
Coordinator: Richard Shermanski, Legal Ethics Expert;
Room 349 - AM2
Maryland’s Protective Order Laws: Progress Made, Goals for the Future
Significant strides have been made in protecting survivors of intimate partner violence through legislative changes in Maryland protective order law. Notable changes include taking guns away from abusers, lowering the burden of proof to obtain a protective order, allowing victims of sexual violence to file for protective orders, and recognizing the role electronic communication and cyberstalking play in domestic violence. We will discuss the practical implementation of these laws, and how the most vulnerable survivors, including communities historically underserved by the legal community and those with limited English proficiency, have been affected.
Moreover, we will focus on how to continue Maryland’s positive changes to protect domestic violence survivors. These changes might include such measures as lengthening the time period between the temporary and final hearing, allowing survivors to obtain restitution for property damage, and recognizing the crippling effects of coercive control. We will address the benefit of these types of changes from a point of view of the legal rights of petitioners and of the effect on their mental and social health. Join us as we analyze the dynamic landscape of domestic violence law, evaluating how it currently functions and envisioning a future shaped by more forward-looking policies.
- Katherine Bradley, Montgomery County Lawyers Project
- Thomas Manion, Family Justice Center
- Laure Ruth, Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence
Moderator: Amy Palumbo, DVS Legal Services
Coordinator: Katherine Bradley, Montgomery County Lawyers Project;
Room 350 - AM1
From Cradle to (In)Carceration: The Plight of Black Women Oppressed by the Criminal Justice System
Black women are overrepresented in the penal system yet are underrepresented by the justice system. The realities of these women do not exist in a vacuum; systemic and intersectional factors shape the lived experiences and limit the agency of these women. Drawing upon the expertise of the three stellar panel members, this session delves into the factors and stories found in a few of the social institutions that speak to the systemic and intersectional factors shaping the lived experiences of these women - criminal justice, education, and family court systems. What socio-historical factors exist in these institutions that correlate with this overrepresentation? What are the contemporary considerations that will contribute to addressing the underrepresentation of Black women in the justice system? Aiming to honor the voices of the Black women whose lives are stifled by the penal system, these questions set a framework for what we will discuss as we explore the lifelong journeys of women captured by an adversarial institution such as the criminal justice system.
- Samella A. Carryl, The Legal Aid Society
- Cicely A. Jervis, District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS)
- JT Mvundura, Far West Texas Regional Public Defender's Office
Moderator: Corliss Wilson, Morgan State University
Coordinator: Corliss Wilson, Morgan State University;
Room 349 - PM
Client Interviewing and Triage for Same Day Representation
The panelists will provide tips and advice on how to quickly interview and triage a client for same day representation to ensure efficient and effective representation and reduce the need for postponements in Failure to Pay Rent cases.
Proposed Panelists:
- TBD, Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland -- Baltimore City/County
- Volunteer Attorney, Shore Legal Access -- Mid-Shore Counties
- Attorney TBD, Harford County Bar Foundation -- Harford County
Proposed Moderator: Attorney TBD, Community Legal Services of Prince George's County - Prince George's County
Coordinator: Jessica Quincosa, Community Legal Services of Prince George's County;
Why it's important: It will help build skills to increase same day representation and increase capacity for services.
- Pro Bono Engagement
- Substantive Legal
Put It on the Map: Using GIS Technology to Answer Questions About Our Communities
Geospatial data can be used to inform policies, practices, evaluation, and communication around a number of issues. This session will explore GIS technology using examples relevant to the legal services community.
The Maryland Access to Justice Commission created a resource and asset map to serve as a one-stop shop for accessing essential legal and justice-related resources, connecting the community to the information they need. Providing location can not only help those who simply need an address, but also decision makers. Understanding where services are within the state is just as important as knowing where there are gaps. This service as a whole allows us to better understand where services actually are concentrated within the state helping folks make informed decisions when trying to focus a new effort.
The Law Librarians Working Group of the Self-Represented Litigation Network (now the Access to Justice Network) created a Story Map to illustrate data collected for a national survey of law libraries providing services to self-represented litigants. The Story Map is a promotion tool, directory, and best practices resource.
- Kazeem Anifowoshe, Mid-Shore Council on Family Violence
- Joan Bellistri, Anne Arundel County Public Law Library
- Reena Shah, Maryland Access to Justice Commission
Moderator: Julia Viets, Montgomery County Law Library
Coordinator: Joan Bellistri, Anne Arundel County Public Law Library;
Room 346 - AM1
Lost in the System: Advocating for Defendants in Competency Limbo
This panel will explore the critical issue of competency to stand trial statutes and the advocacy gaps for individuals who are declared incompetent and then effectively left in legal limbo. Many of these defendants are sent to facilities such as Springfield Hospital Center, where they await further evaluations, treatments, or legal decisions. However, their cases often stagnate as they receive little to no contact from the attorneys assigned to represent them.
The session will shed light on the lived experiences of these individuals, who can spend prolonged periods in confinement without the regular legal support necessary to advocate for their rights or monitor their treatment progress. Panelists will discuss the ethical, legal, and social responsibilities of the justice system, identify policy gaps, and propose actionable solutions to ensure meaningful representation and timely intervention for those in competency-related detention.
Learning Objectives:
- Gain an understanding of Maryland’s competency to stand trial statutes and how they impact defendants with mental health issues.
- Identify the key challenges and gaps in legal representation for individuals in competency limbo, with a focus on those at facilities like Springfield Hospital Center.
- Discuss innovative strategies and policy reforms to enhance regular communication and oversight by legal advocates for individuals detained due to competency issues.
- Learn about community-based advocacy approaches and support networks that can bridge the gap when legal counsel is unavailable.
Potential panelists include an attorney and advocate for competency rights; a representative from Maryland Office of the Public Defender who is a specialist in mental health law; a social worker from Springfield Hospital Center who is experienced in working with defendants in competency limbo; or a mental health advocate or SOAR Specialist who focuses on supporting individuals with severe mental health issues in navigating the justice system
Proposed Panelists:
- Mi Mi Worth, Social Worker -- Springfield Hospital Center
- Kimberly June, Advocate -- Hanover MD
- Liz Palen, MD Public Defender -- Annapolis MD
Proposed Moderator: TBD by Committee
Coordinator: Kimberly June, Springforward;
Why it’s important: This session is intended for pro bono attorneys, public defenders, mental health professionals, and legal advocates focused on mental health and justice reform. It will also benefit policymakers interested in addressing procedural delays and improving accountability for legal representation in cases involving mental competency.
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
- Pro Bono Engagement
Block by Block: The Personal Stories of Vacancy
Often the stories of neighborhoods in Baltimore are told from a macro perspective or narrowed in on particular cases. In this session, we will work to explore the middle ground between the macro and micro. We will explore the personal stories behind a specific block of vacant properties in Baltimore. Our goal is to learn how multiple large-scale forces actually combine to affect our neighbors.
We will be presenting a combination of title research, community interviews, and historical records to illustrate how the structural becomes personal. Attendees should expect to leave the session with a different understanding of how policies impact individuals.
- Steven Kappen, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service -- Baltimore City
- Nneka Nnamdi, SOS Fund -- Baltimore City
Moderator: TBD by Committee
Coordinator: Steven Kappen, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service;
Room 347 - AM2
The Impact on Mental Health and the Capacity to Parent in Child Custody Cases
Representing clients who present with behavioral issues or mental illness can be challenging and complicated for clients and the attorneys who represent them. The discussion will assist family law attorneys in identifying parenting and co-parenting tasks and behaviors that may be influenced by mental illness, how they are linked to child outcomes, and how to integrate effectively impactful mental health information into matters of custody and child custody evaluations. The program will also include a case study review with judicial perspectives, practicing tips, and CINA related guidance that will impact the way we represent clients who suffer from mental health issues.
- Doris Green Walker, Doris Green Walker, Esq.
- Lindsay Parvis, Joseph, Greenwald & Laake, P.A.
- Dr. Josef Passley, Passley Consulting & Psychological Services, LLC
Moderator: Nancy Grimm, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service
Coordinator: Nancy Grimm, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service;
Room 348 - AM 2
Community Collaborations Foster Sustainable Reentry
This session will focus on the complex process of an individual transitioning from life in prison back into the community including the challenges they face in finding housing, employment, managing relationships, navigating legal hurdles, and addressing mental health needs while attempting to reintegrate into society after incarceration. Emphasis will be placed on the multidisciplinary approach to release planning and reentry to limit barriers.
- Shannice Anderson, Maryland Office of the Public Defender
- Rasheed Bennett, Returning Citizen
- Shareese Kess-Lewis, TIME Organization
Moderator: TBD by Committee
Coordinator: Shannice Anderson, Maryland Office of the Public Defender;
Room 345 - AM1
Questions? Contact Kiah Pierre at